Bulk Organic Garden Soil In CT

two hands holding a small ornamental tree with a root ball covered in topsoil

Our garden soil is a blend of organic topsoil/leaf compost. This fertile soil is ideal for growing vegetables, flowers, and plants. Pickup or delivery in Ct.

Composting 101

older man shoveling mulch into an antique wheel barrow

Home composting is easy, money saving, and fun. Your lawn/garden will thank you for it. With a few hours of work you can be composting right from home.

Getting Your Soil Tested – Why You Should Do It

Follow Us For Our Latest Posts, Tips, & Exclusive Facebook Giveaways I’ve been gardening for a long time, and I’ve met countless problems head on, each leaving me to feverishly attempt to remedy them. Many of these times, I’ve been too late. That’s the problem with plants, by the time you notice that something’s wrong, there’s nothing you can do. … Read More