Should I use Mulch Or Gravel In My Flower Garden?

Colorful, Landscaped, Flower Garden

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Colorful, Landscaped, Flower Garden

In most cases you can choose whatever material you prefer. Mulch and gravels tend to offer aesthetic benefits with their contrast and texture. The only problem is that with a flower garden we are dealing with plants, and it is important to consider their needs.

Gravels may look nice but they offer no true benefits to your plants. On the other hand mulches have several characteristics that make them a better choice for this situation.

Why you would use mulch

  • Mulch acts as an insulator. During hot summer months it acts as a barrier between the soil and the suns rays, keeping the soil cool. The opposite occurs during the colder months. Mulch acts as a buffer between harsh winter temperatures and your flowers.
  • Besides maintaining a consistent temperature for flowers, mulch will also help keep them hydrated. Mulch absorbs moisture and once again prevents the sun from drying out the surrounding soil. Gravel is very porous and does not absorb any water, offering no benefits.
  • Another key benefit of mulch is that also is a natural weed barrier. No one likes when weeds start suffocating their plants, and a layer of mulch acts as a natural weed barrier. Just apply the mulch at least 3″ thick and you will greatly diminish weed growth.
  • Last but not least as mulch decomposes it provides nutrients to the flowers beneath it. This is one of the greatest benefits of mulch, leading to healthier, fuller flowers.

young ornamental tree with a mulch base

Mulch has the same benefits when spread around ornamental trees, insulating the root ball while keeping weeds at a minimum. However unlike this picture, we do not want to mulch up the trunk of a tree. Deep mulch around the trunk of a tree can cause disease and tree death, don’t do it!

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